Represents a line in a chord sheet, consisting of items of type ChordLyricsPair or Tag


chordFont: Font = ...

The chord font that applies to this line. Is derived from the directives: chordfont, chordsize and chordcolour See:

items: Item[] = []

The items (ChordLyricsPair or Tag or Comment) of which the line consists

textFont: Font = ...

The text font that applies to this line. Is derived from the directives: textfont, textsize and textcolour See:

type: string = NONE

The line type, This is set by the ChordProParser when it read tags like {start_of_chorus} or {start_of_verse} It uses the following mapping to determine the line type from directives:

There are two special cases:

  • INDETERMINATE when the paragraph lines do not have a consistent type
  • NONE when no type is derived


  • Indicates whether the line contains items that are renderable

    Returns boolean

  • Indicates whether the line contains any items

    Returns boolean