Martijn Versluis - open source




ChordFiddle is an online playground for ChordPro chord sheets. It currently supports:

  • editing your ChordPro file
  • translating to normal chord sheets
  • importing a normal chord sheet and have it converted to ChordPro
  • transposing the ChordPro sheet up and down (complete sheet or selection)
  • switching between sharp (♯) and flat (♭) chords (complete sheet or selection)
  • sharing your chord sheet by copy-pasting the automatically generated URL
  • Code Climate maintainability score
  • Travis build status


ChordSheetJS is a JavaScript library for parsing and formatting chord sheets. ChordPro sheets and chord sheets can be parsed. Parsed songs can be formatted to normal chord sheets, ChordPro sheet and HTML chord sheets.

  • Code Climate maintainability score
  • Travis build status
  • NPM version


ChordJS is a simple JavaScript chord parsing and manipulation tool. It allows to parse a chord, transpose, switch between sharp (♯) and flat (♭) and convert back to a string.

  • Code Climate maintainability score
  • Travis build status
  • NPM version